Star users
Wan Chai District
New Territories
Hong Kong Island
Hong Kong
Guangdong Province
瑞士花園 Swiss Towers
Stop 瑞士花園 Swiss Towers
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- 城巴63線 Citybus 63 (北角 North Point → 赤柱 Stanley)
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- 城巴11線 Citybus 11 (中環碼頭 Central (Ferry Piers) → 大坑徑(柏園) Tai Hang Drive (Park Garden))
- 城巴11線 Citybus 11 (中環碼頭 Central (Ferry Piers) ↺ 渣甸山 Jardine's Lookout)
- 城巴11線 Citybus 11 (中環碼頭 Central (Ferry Piers) ↺ 渣甸山 Jardine's Lookout (以銅鑼灣為終站 terminate at Causeway Bay))
- 城巴511線 Citybus 511 (渣甸山 Jardine's Lookout → 中環碼頭 Central (Ferry Piers))
- 城巴63線 Citybus 63 (北角 North Point → 赤柱 Stanley)
- 城巴63線 Citybus 63 (赤柱 Stanley → 北角 North Point)
- 城巴63線 Citybus 63 (赤柱監獄 Stanley Prison → 北角 North Point)
Points of interest nearby
Perkins Road Post Office
Hong Kong Stadium Car Park
Other stops near
瑞士花園 Swiss Towers
金雲閣 Aurizon
渣甸山花園 Jardine's Lookout Garden
昍逵閣 Morengo Court
龍風臺 Loong Fung Terrace
大寶閣 Trafalgar Court
優悠台 C. C. Lodge
佛教李嘉誠護理安老院 Buddhist Li Ka Shing Home for Elderly
龍風臺 Loong Fung Terrace
龍風臺 Loong Fung Terrace
柏園 Park Garden
慧景園 Flora Garden
宏豐台 Wang Fung Terrace
瑞士花園 Swiss Towers
龍風臺 Loong Fung Terrace
白建時道 Perkins Road
白建時道 Perkins Road