Star users
Wong Tai Sin District
Kowloon City District
New Territories
Guangdong Province
Hong Kong
啟德(啟晴邨) Kai Tak (Kai Ching Estate)
Stop 啟德(啟晴邨) Kai Tak (Kai Ching Estate)
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- 九巴224X線(啟德(啟晴邨)→尖沙咀東→啟業) KMB 224X (Kai Tak (Kai Ching Estate) → Tsim Sha Tsui East → Kai Yip)
- 九巴5A線(啟德(啟晴邨)→尖沙咀碼頭) KMB 5A (Kai Tak (Kai Ching Estate) → Star Ferry)
- 九巴5A線(尖沙咀碼頭→啟德(啟晴邨)) KMB 5A (Star Ferry → Kai Tak (Kai Ching Estate))
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Bus 28B (Choi Fook - Kai Yip)
- Bus 28B (Kai Yip - Choi Fook)
- KMB 5M (Kai Tak (Tak Long Estate) ↺ Kowloon Bay Station)
- 九巴224X線(啟德(啟晴邨)→尖沙咀東→啟業) KMB 224X (Kai Tak (Kai Ching Estate) → Tsim Sha Tsui East → Kai Yip)
- 九巴24線(啟業↺旺角) KMB 24 (Kai Yip ↺ Mong Kok)
- 九巴24線(啟業↺旺角,去程經九龍灣) KMB 24 (Kai Yip ↺ Mong Kok) (via Kowloon Bay en route to Mong Kok)
- 九巴24線(啟業↺旺角,回程經九龍灣) KMB 24 (Kai Yip ↺ Mong Kok) (via Kowloon Bay en route to Kai Yip)
- 九巴28B線(啟德(啟晴邨)→彩福,經牛頭角總站) KMB 28B (Kai Tak (Kai Ching Estate) → Choi Fook) (via Ngau Tau Kok Bus Terminus)
- 九巴5A線(啟德(啟晴邨)→尖沙咀碼頭) KMB 5A (Kai Tak (Kai Ching Estate) → Star Ferry)
- 九巴5A線(尖沙咀碼頭→啟德(啟晴邨)) KMB 5A (Star Ferry → Kai Tak (Kai Ching Estate))
- 九巴5D線(德福花園↺紅磡) KMB 5D (Telford Gardens ↺ Hung Hom)
- 九巴N213線(尖沙咀東(麼地道) →安泰(西)) KMB N213 (Tsim Sha Tsui East (Mody Road) → On Tai (West))
- 城巴20A線(啟德郵輪碼頭 → 高鐵西九龍站) Citybus 20A (Kai Tak Cruise Terminal → HSR West Kowloon Station)
- 城巴20A線(啟德郵輪碼頭 → 高鐵西九龍站)(經沐安街) Citybus 20A (Kai Tak Cruise Terminal → HSR West Kowloon Station) (via Muk On Street)
- 城巴20A線(高鐵西九龍站 → 啟德郵輪碼頭) Citybus 20A (HSR West Kowloon Station → Kai Tak Cruise Terminal)
- 城巴20A線(高鐵西九龍站 → 啟德郵輪碼頭)(經沐安街) Citybus 20A (HSR West Kowloon Station → Kai Tak Cruise Terminal) (via Muk On Street)
- 城巴20線(啟德(沐安街)→長沙灣(海達)) Citybus 20 (Kai Tak (Muk On Street) → Cheung Sha Wan (Hoi Tat))
- 城巴20線(長沙灣(海達)→啟德(沐安街)) Citybus 20 (Cheung Sha Wan (Hoi Tat) → Kai Tak (Muk On Street))
- 城巴20線(長沙灣(海達)→啟德(沐安街),不停廣東道分站) Citybus 20 (Cheung Sha Wan (Hoi Tat) → Kai Tak (Muk On Street)) (not calling at Canton Road stop)
- 城巴22M線(啟德郵輪碼頭↺土瓜灣) Citybus 22M (Kai Tak Cruise Terminal ↺ To Kwa Wan)
- 城巴22線 Citybus 22 (九龍塘(又一城) Kowloon Tong (Festival Walk) → 啟德郵輪碼頭 Kai Tak Cruise Terminal)
- 城巴22線 Citybus 22 (啟德郵輪碼頭 Kai Tak Cruise Terminal → 九龍塘(又一城) Kowloon Tong (Festival Walk))
- 城巴78C線(啟德→粉嶺皇后山) Citybus 78C (Kai Tak → Queen's Hill Fanling)
- 城巴78C線(粉嶺皇后山→啟德) Citybus 78C (Queen's Hill Fanling → Kai Tak)
- 城巴78X線(啟德→粉嶺皇后山) Citybus 78X (Kai Tak → Queen's Hill Fanling)
- 城巴78X線(粉嶺皇后山→啟德) Citybus 78X (Queen's Hill Fanling → Kai Tak)
- 城巴N20線(大角咀(維港灣)→啟德(沐安街)) Citybus N20 (Tai Kok Tsui (Island Harbourview) → Kai Tak (Muk On Street))
- 城巴機場快線A25(啟德→機場) Cityflyer A25 (Kai Tak → Airport)
- 城巴機場快線A25(機場→啟德) Cityflyer A25 (Airport → Kai Tak)
- 過海隧巴108線(啟業 → 寶馬山) Cross-harbour Bus 108 (Kai Yip → Braemar Hill)
- 過海隧巴108線(寶馬山 → 啟業) Cross-harbour Bus 108 (Braemar Hill → Kai Yip)
Points of interest nearby
Box No. 390
Kai Tak (Kai Ching Estate)
Kai Tak (Tak Long Estate)
Café de Coral
Bank of China (Hong Kong)
Hung’s Cart Noodle
Kai Tak (Kai Ching Estate)
Other stops near
麗晶花園 Richland Gardens
麗晶花園 Richland Gardens
坪石邨 Ping Shek Estate
坪石邨 Ping Shek Estate
彩虹邨 Choi Hung Estate
麗晶花園 Richland Gardens
采頤花園 Rhythm Garden
碧海樓 Pik Hoi House
碧海樓 Pik Hoi House
碧海樓 Pik Hoi House
麗晶商場 Richland Gardens Shopping Centre
碧海樓 Pik Hoi House
碧海樓 Pik Hoi House
麗晶花園13座 Block 13 Richland Gardens
麗晶花園13座 Block 13 Richland Gardens
坪石邨 Ping Shek Estate
金碧樓 Kam Pik House
金碧樓 Kam Pik House
麗晶花園13座 Block 13 Richland Gardens
啟德(啟晴邨) Kai Tak (Kai Ching Estate)
麗晶花園13座 Block 13 Richland Gardens
德朗邨 Tak Long Estate
沐虹街 Muk Hung Street
麗晶花園 Richland Gardens
麗晶花園 Richland Gardens
啟德(德朗邨) Kai Tak (Tak Long Estate)
東九龍總區警察總部 Kowloon East Regional Police Headquarters
麗晶商場 Richland Gardens Shopping Centre
東九龍總區警察總部 Kowloon East Regional Police Headquarters
麗晶花園第13座 Block 13 Richland Gardens
啟德(啟晴邨) Kai Tak (Kai Ching Estate)
彩虹總站 Choi Hung Bus Terminus
彩虹總站 Choi Hung Bus Terminus
啟德站 Kai Tak Station
麗晶花園 Richland Gardens
彩虹總站 Choi Hung Bus Terminus
彩虹總站 Choi Hung Bus Terminus
麗晶商場 Richland Gardens Shopping Centre
天寰 Victoria Skye
采頤花園 Rhythm Garden
啟德(德朗邨) Kai Tak (Tak Long Estate)
東九龍總區警察總部 Kowloon East Regional Police Headquarters
德朗邨 Tak Long Estate
天寰 Victoria Skye
啟德(啟晴邨) Kai Tak (Kai Ching Estate)
麗晶花園第8座 Block 8 Richland Gardens
天寰 Victoria Skye
啟德(德朗邨) Kai Tak (Tak Long Estate)
彩虹邨 Choi Hung Estate
采頤花園 Rhythm Garden
采頤花園 Rhythm Garden
采頤花園 Rhythm Garden
碧海樓 Pik Hoi House
彩虹邨 Choi Hung Estate
彩虹邨 Choi Hung Estate
采頤花園 Rhythm Garden
采頤花園 Rhythm Garden
碧海樓 Pik Hoi House
東九龍總區警察總部 Kowloon East Regional Police Headquarters
采頤花園 Rhythm Garden
采頤花園 Rhythm Garden
碧海樓 Pik Hoi House
東九龍總區警察總部 Kowloon East Regional Police Headquarters
金碧樓 Kam Pik House
金碧樓 Kam Pik House
東九龍總區警察總部 Kowloon East Regional Police Headquarters
啟德(德朗邨) Kai Tak (Tak Long Estate)
沐虹街 Muk Hung Street
坪石邨 Ping Shek Estate
坪石邨 Ping Shek Estate
麗晶花園 Richland Gardens
坪石邨 Ping Shek Estate
麗晶花園第8座 Block 8 Richland Gardens
麗晶商場 Richland Gardens Shopping Centre
麗晶商場 Richland Gardens Shopping Centre
啟德(啟晴邨) Kai Tak (Kai Ching Estate)
德朗邨 Tak Long Estate
啟德(啟晴邨) Kai Tak (Kai Ching Estate)
麗晶商場 Richland Gardens Shopping Centre
麗晶花園第13座 Block 13 Richland Gardens
麗晶花園第8座 Block 8 Richland Gardens
沐虹街 Muk Hung Street
天寰 Victoria Skye
啟德站 Kai Tak Station
德朗邨 Tak Long Estate
麗晶花園 Richland Gardens
啟德站 Kai Tak Station
啟德(啟晴邨) Kai Tak (Kai Ching Estate)