Stop 柏濤小築 Cypresswaver Villas
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
Points of interest nearby
Other stops near
- 114.20633350000001, 22.21731
- 114.2067937, 22.2182332
- 114.2067111, 22.2205531
- 114.20507070000001, 22.2173765
- 114.205015, 22.2160872
- 114.2047242, 22.216865600000002
- 114.20474890000001, 22.2183946
- 海天徑 Horizon Drive
- 舂坎角海灘 Chung Hom Kok Beach
- 舂磡角道72號 72 Chung Hom Kok Road
- 114.20341520000001, 22.2198743
- 114.2050923, 22.2160183
- 114.20547180000001, 22.220988700000003
- 114.204688, 22.2178583
- 舂坎角海灘 Chung Hom Kok Beach
- 114.20672420000001, 22.218757200000002
- 舂磡角道72號 72 Chung Hom Kok Road
- 環角徑 Cape Drive
- 環角道 Cape Road
- 龍欣苑龍騰閣 Lung Tan House Lung Yan Court
- 赤柱觀音寺 Kwun Yum Buddhist Monastery
- 龍欣苑龍騰閣 Lung Tan House Lung Yan Court
- 赤柱觀音寺 Kwun Yum Buddhist Monastery
- 114.2051175, 22.215952
- 舂坎角消防局 Chung Hom Kok Fire Station
- 馬坑邨觀馬樓 Koon Ma House Ma Hang Estate
- 馬坑邨觀馬樓 Koon Ma House Ma Hang Estate
- 環角徑 Cape Drive