やめる 聖若瑟小學 St. Joseph's Primary School
- 史釗域道 Stewart Road
- 史釗域道 Stewart Road
- 菲林明道 Fleming Road
- 杜老誌道 Tonnochy Road
- 菲林明道 Fleming Road
- 普樂里 Bullock Lane
- 杜老誌道 Tonnochy Road
- 114.17845200000001, 22.2748464
- 114.17623200000001, 22.2748938
- 香港華仁書院 Wah Yan College Hong Kong
- 114.18060550000001, 22.275509200000002
- 皇后大道東 Queen's Road East
- 摩理臣山道 Morrison Hill Road
- 杜老誌道 Tonnochy Road
- 巴路士街 Burrows Street
- 114.1768672, 22.275104000000002
- 114.17384740000001, 22.274410900000003
- 尚翹峰 The Zenith
- 禮頓道 Leighton Road
- 菲林明道 Fleming Road
- 114.17748270000001, 22.2780631
- 114.17420580000001, 22.2776602
- 廣生行大廈 Kwong Sang Hong Building
- 菲林明道 Fleming Road
- 114.1740324, 22.2776429
- 菲林明道 Fleming Road
- 菲林明道 Fleming Road
- 杜老誌道 Tonnochy Road
- 柯布連道 O'Brien Road
- 114.17416300000001, 22.277767800000003
- 菲林明道 Fleming Road
- 杜老誌道 Tonnochy Road
- 柯布連道 O'Brien Road
- 114.17386800000001, 22.2776248
- 錫克廟 Khalsa Diwan Sikh Temple
- 菲林明道 Fleming Road
- 菲林明道 Fleming Road
- 杜老誌道 Tonnochy Road
- 北海中心 CNT Tower
- 軒尼詩道官立小學 Hennessy Road Government Primary School
- 利景酒店 The Charterhouse
- 史釗域道 Stewart Road
- 立德里 Lap Tak Lane
- 跑馬地馬場 Happy Valley Racecourse
- 駱克道街市 Lockhart Road Market