Stop 114.1512737, 22.2876325
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
Points of interest nearby
Other stops near
- 港澳碼頭 Macau Ferry
- 中環(港澳碼頭) Central (Macau Ferry)
- 中區政府碼頭 Central Government Pier
- 海港政府大樓 Harbour Building
- 林士街 Rumsey Street
- 荷李活華庭 Hollywood Terrace
- 港澳碼頭巴士總站 Macau Ferry Bus Terminus
- 中環(林士街) Central (Rumsey Street)
- 中環(港澳碼頭) Central (Macau Ferry)
- 上環街市 Western Market
- 港澳碼頭 Macau Ferry Terminal
- 干諾道西 Connaught Road West
- 114.15167310000001, 22.2875216
- 港澳碼頭 Macau Ferry
- 114.1551014, 22.2868169
- 西港城 Western Market
- 文華里 Man Wa Lane
- 永吉街 Wing Kut Street
- 永吉街 Wing Kut Street
- 皇后街 Queen Street
- 114.1474053, 22.2884287
- 海港政府大樓 Harbour Building
- 永吉街 Wing Kut Street
- 永吉街 Wing Kut Street
- 114.15266260000001, 22.2863417
- 文華里 Man Wa Lane
- 114.14751170000001, 22.2884186
- 皇后街 Queen Street
- 港澳碼頭 Macau Ferry Terminal
- 禧利街 Hillier Street
- 機利文街 Gilman Street
- 上環(西港城)總站 Western Market Terminus
- 上環 Sheung Wan
- 港澳碼頭 Macau Ferry
- 上環 Sheung Wan
- 114.1523315, 22.2864249
- 文華里 Man Wa Lane
- 114.15007240000001, 22.287962500000003
- 港澳碼頭 Macau Ferry
- 114.1542962, 22.285723100000002
- 永和街 Wing Wo Street
- 皇后街 Queen Street
- 114.15313590000001, 22.2868944
- 中區政府碼頭 Central Government Pier
- 中區政府碼頭 Central Government Pier
- 永安中心 Wing On Centre
- 林士街 Rumsey Street
- 114.1537689, 22.2860191
- 永和街 Wing Wo Street
- 林士街 Rumsey Street
- 港澳碼頭 Macau Ferry
- 金龍中心 Golden Tower
- 中環(港澳碼頭) Central (Macau Ferry)
- 海傍警署 Water Front Police Station
- 中景道 Chung King Road
- 干諾道中137號 137 Connaught Road Central
- 上環文娛中心 Sheung Wan Civic Centre