Star users
Wan Chai District
New Territories
Hong Kong Island
Hong Kong
Guangdong Province
黃泥涌道 Wong Nai Chung Road
Stop 黃泥涌道 Wong Nai Chung Road
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- 堅尼地城 → 跑馬地 Kennedy Town → Happy Valley
- 筲箕灣 → 跑馬地 Shau Kei Wan → Happy Valley
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Bus 1 (Felix Villas - Happy Valley (Upper))
- Bus 1 (Felix Villas - Happy Valley (Upper)) (Sunday)
- 城巴19線 Citybus 19 (小西灣(藍灣半島) Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) → 跑馬地(上) Happy Valley (Upper))
- 城巴機場快線A17(機場→深灣) Cityflyer A17 (Airport → Sham Wan)
- 堅尼地城 → 跑馬地 Kennedy Town → Happy Valley
- 筲箕灣 → 跑馬地 Shau Kei Wan → Happy Valley
Points of interest nearby
St. Paul's Primary Catholic School
Wong Nai Chung Road Public Toilet
Cheung Sing Cafe
St Pauls Secondary
Amigo Restaurant
Happy Valley (Lower)
Wan Chai District
Bank of East Asia
Other stops near
跑馬地總站 Happy Valley Terminus
跑馬地總站 Happy Valley Terminus
樂活道 Broadwood Road