Stop 114.1587889, 22.2869637
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
Points of interest nearby
Other stops near
- 中環(交易廣場) Central (Exchange Square)
- 114.1579926, 22.283606300000002
- 砵典乍街 Pottinger Street
- 中環(交易廣場) Central (Exchange Square)
- 114.15793860000001, 22.2836496
- 中環(交易廣場) Central (Exchange Square)
- 砵典乍街 Pottinger Street
- 郵政總局 General Post Office
- 114.1576928, 22.2832131
- 砵典乍街 Pottinger Street
- 租庇利街 Jubilee Street
- 中環(交易廣場) Central (Exchange Square)
- 114.1599551, 22.2850003
- 國際金融中心二期 Two International Finance Centre
- 香港 Hong Kong
- 114.15538020000001, 22.284899000000003
- 114.1559922, 22.2843428
- 恒生銀行總行 Hang Seng Bank Head Office
- 114.1574461, 22.283493200000002
- 114.1597373, 22.283158
- 砵典乍街 Pottinger Street
- 香港 Hong Kong
- 香港 Hong Kong
- 中環街市 Central Market
- 中環街市 Central Market
- 租庇利街 Jubilee Street
- 中環(交易廣場) Central (Exchange Square)
- 砵典乍街 Pottinger Street
- 國際金融中心二期 Two International Finance Centre
- 域多利皇后街 Queen Victoria Street
- 114.15747150000001, 22.284303400000002
- 海港政府大樓 Harbour Building
- 中環5號碼頭 Central Pier 5
- 中環(交易廣場) Central (Exchange Square)
- 郵政總局 General Post Office
- 砵典乍街 Pottinger Street
- 中環(交易廣場) Central (Exchange Square)
- 海港政府大樓 Harbour Building
- 中環(交易廣場) Central (Exchange Square)
- 中環(交易廣場) Central (Exchange Square)
- 中環(交易廣場) Central (Exchange Square)
- 干諾道中22-23號 22-23 Connaught Road Central
- 恒生銀行總行大廈 Hang Seng Bank Headquarters
- 國際金融中心二期 Two International Finance Centre
- 中環(天星碼頭) Central (Star Ferry)
- 租庇利街 Jubilee Street
- 中環(交易廣場) Central (Exchange Square)
- 114.1551014, 22.2868169
- 中環5號碼頭 Central Pier 5
- 海港政府大樓 Harbour Building
- 中環5號碼頭 Central Pier 5
- 中環(天星碼頭) Central (Star Ferry)
- 海港政府大樓 Harbour Building
- 114.15576340000001, 22.2855463
- 中環5號碼頭 Central Pier 5
- 114.1573453, 22.2874704
- 中環3號碼頭 Central Pier 3
- 114.15956150000001, 22.286212000000003
- 中環碼頭 Central Ferry Piers
- 中環3號碼頭 Central Pier 3
- 中環(天星碼頭) Central (Star Ferry)
- 114.15985160000001, 22.286362800000003
- 國際金融中心商場 IFC Mall