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Sai Kung District
New Territories
Guangdong Province
Hong Kong
新都城二期(落客站) Metro City Phase II (Alighting stop)
Stop 新都城二期(落客站) Metro City Phase II (Alighting stop)
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- 九巴297線(紅磡(紅鸞道)→寶林) KMB 297 (Hung Hom (Hung Luen Road) → Po Lam)
- 九巴91M線 KMB 91M (鑽石山鐵路站 Diamond Hill Railway Station → 寶林 Po Lam)
- 九巴91M線 KMB 91M (香港科技大學(北) H.K.U.S.T. (North) → 寶林 Po Lam)
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- 九巴290A線(將軍澳(彩明)→荃灣西站) KMB 290A (Tseung Kwan O (Choi Ming) → Tsuen Wan West Station)
- 九巴290線(坑口(北)(將軍澳醫院)→荃灣西站) KMB 290 (Hang Hau (North) (Tseung Kwan O Hospital) → Tsuen Wan West Station)
- 九巴296M線(康盛花園→坑口站) KMB 296M (Hong Shing Garden → Hang Hau Station)
- 九巴297線(紅磡(紅鸞道)→寶林) KMB 297 (Hung Hom (Hung Luen Road) → Po Lam)
- 九巴91M線 KMB 91M (鑽石山鐵路站 Diamond Hill Railway Station → 寶林 Po Lam)
- 九巴91M線 KMB 91M (香港科技大學(北) H.K.U.S.T. (North) → 寶林 Po Lam)
- 城巴798線(調景嶺站 → 火炭(駿洋邨)) Citybus 798 (Tiu Keng Leng Station → Fo Tan (Chun Yeung Estate))
- 城巴E22A線(航天城 → 將軍澳(康盛花園)) Citybus E22A (SKYCITY → Tseung Kwan O (Hong Sing Garden))
- 城巴機場快線A29 Cityflyer A29 (將軍澳(寶琳) Tseung Kwan O (Po Lam) → 機場 Airport)
- 城巴機場快線A29 Cityflyer A29 (機場 Airport → 將軍澳(寶琳) Tseung Kwan O (Po Lam))
- 將軍澳綫 Tseung Kwan O Line (北行 Northbound)
- 將軍澳綫 Tseung Kwan O Line (南行 Southbound)
Points of interest nearby
The Admirals Chinese Restaurant
The Pinnacle Car Park
Po Lam Public Transport Interchange Public Toilet
Po Lam Bus Terminus
The Metropolis Car Park
Beacon College (Tseung Kwan O (Metro City))
Metro City Phase 2 Car Park
Amazing Grace Lutheran Church
Metro City Car Park
Fishing Heya Japanese Restaurant
MCL Metro City Cinema
Verbena Heights Fountain
Other stops near
梁潔華小學 Leung Kit Wah Primary School
欣明苑 Yan Ming Court
寶康公園 Po Hong Park
茵怡花園 Verbena Heights
欣景路 Yan King Road
茵怡花園 Verbena Heights
寶康公園 Po Hong Park
寶林總站 Po Lam Bus Terminus
寶林總站 Po Lam Bus Terminus
將軍澳賽馬會診所 Tseung Kwan O Jockey Club Clinic
茵怡花園 Verbena Heights
寶林邨寶儉樓 Po Kim House Po Lam Estate
欣明苑 Yan Ming Court
浩明苑 Ho Ming Court
寶林總站 Po Lam Bus Terminus
欣明苑 Yan Ming Court
寶琳 Po Lam
景林邨 King Lam Estate
欣景路 Yan King Road
寶林總站 Po Lam Bus Terminus
景林邨 King Lam Estate
景林邨 King Lam Estate
新都城 Metro City
新都城 Metro City
茵怡花園 Verbena Heights
寶康公園 Po Hong Park
景林邨 King Lam Estate
梁潔華小學 Leung Kit Wah Primary School
梁潔華小學 Leung Kit Wah Primary School
欣明苑 Yan Ming Court
景林邨 King Lam Estate
景林邨 King Lam Estate
梁潔華小學 Leung Kit Wah Primary School
欣景路 Yan King Road
將軍澳賽馬會診所 Tseung Kwan O Jockey Club Clinic
景林邨 King Lam Estate
寶林邨寶儉樓 Po Kim House Po Lam Estate
欣明苑 Yan Ming Court
景林邨 King Lam Estate
茵怡花園 Verbena Heights
欣景路 Yan King Road
景林邨 King Lam Estate
景林邨 King Lam Estate
浩明苑 Ho Ming Court
新都城二期(落客站) Metro City Phase II (Alighting stop)
茵怡花園 Verbena Heights
寶儉樓 Po Kim House
寶儉樓 Po Kim House
欣景路 Yan King Road
寶琳站 Po Lam Station
欣景路 Yan King Road