How to get to Dr. med. G. Eggert?
Public transport routes that pass next to this place
- - Bus 570: Havixbeck, Baumberge Sporthalle => Münster, Wilhelmstraße
- - Bus 570: Münster, Wilhelmstraße => Havixbeck, Baumberge Sporthalle
- - Bus E10: Mecklenbeck, Vagedesweg => Roxel, Hallenbad
- - Bus E10: Münster, Hauptbahnhof => Roxel, Dorffeldstraße => Roxel, Hallenbad
- - Bus E10: Roxel, Hallenbad => Münster, Hauptbahnhof
- - Bus E10: Roxel, Hallenbad => Roxel, Bahnhof => Mecklenbeck, Vagedesweg
- - Bus E10: Roxel, Hallenbad => Roxel, Paul-Gerhardt-Straße => Mecklenbeck, Vagedesweg
- - NachtBus N80: Münster, Hauptbahnhof => Roxel, Hallenbad
- - NachtBus N80: Münster, Hauptbahnhof => Roxel, Hallenbad
- - NachtBus N80: Roxel, Hallenbad => Münster, Hauptbahnhof
- - NachtBus N80: Roxel, Hallenbad => Münster, Hauptbahnhof
- - StadtBus 1: Amelsbüren, Bahnhof => Roxel, Hallenbad
- - StadtBus 1: Roxel, Hallenbad => Amelsbüren, Bahnhof
- - StadtBus 20: Albachten, Bahnhof => Mecklenbeck, Meckmannweg
- - StadtBus 20: Mecklenbeck, Meckmannweg => Albachten, Bahnhof
Nearby stops