How to get to Goldborn?
Public transport routes that pass next to this place
- - Bus 636: Chemnitz, Omnibusbahnhof => Röhrsdorf, Chemnitz Center => Mittweida, Busbahnhof
- - Bus 636: Mittweida, Busbahnhof => Chemnitz, Omnibusbahnhof
- - Bus 636: Mittweida, Busbahnhof => Röhrsdorf, Chemnitz Center
- - Bus 636: Mittweida, Busbahnhof => Röhrsdorf, Chemnitz Center => Chemnitz, Omnibusbahnhof
- - Bus 636: Röhrsdorf, Chemnitz Center => Mittweida, Busbahnhof
- - Bus 637: Chemnitz=>Mittweida
- - Bus 637: Mittweida=>Chemnitz
- - Bus C: Altmittweida, Wende => Lauenhain, Kindergarten
- - Bus C: Lauenhain, Kindergarten => Altmittweida, Wende
- - Bus C: Lauenhain, Kindergarten => Zschöppichen, Wartehalle
- - Bus C: Mittweida, Kaufland => Gewerbepark West => Altmittweida, Wende
- - Bus C: Zschöppichen, Wartehalle => Mittweida, Kaufland
Nearby stops