Star users
Landkreis Eichstätt
Upper Bavaria
Biesenhard, Kirche
Stop Biesenhard, Kirche
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Bus 9238: Hard => Eichstätt, Pirkheimer Brücke
- Bus 9238: Hard => Eichstätt, Schottenau
- Bus 9238: Hütting => Eichstätt, Stadtbahnhof
- Bus 9238: Konstein => Eichstätt, Pirkheimer Brücke
- Bus 9238: Wellheim => Eichstätt, Stadtbahnhof
- Bus 9238: Wellheim, Schule => Biesenhard
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Bus 9238: Eichstätt, Schottenau => Hütting
- Bus 9238: Eichstätt, Schottenau => Konstein
- Bus 9238: Eichstätt, Schottenau => Wellheim
- Bus 9238: Eichstätt, Stadtbahnhof => Wellheim
- Bus 9238: Hard => Eichstätt, Pirkheimer Brücke
- Bus 9238: Hard => Eichstätt, Schottenau
- Bus 9238: Hütting => Eichstätt, Stadtbahnhof
- Bus 9238: Konstein => Eichstätt, Pirkheimer Brücke
- Bus 9238: Ochsenfeld => Gammersfeld
- Bus 9238: Wellheim => Eichstätt, Stadtbahnhof
- Bus 9238: Wellheim, Schule => Biesenhard
Points of interest nearby
Freiwillige Feuerwehr Biesenhard
Other stops near
Biesenhard, Kirche
Biesenhard, Kirche