Star users
Greiz, Untergrochlitzer Straße
Stop Greiz, Untergrochlitzer Straße
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Bus 12: Greiz => Hasental => Moschwitz => Untergrochlitz => Greiz
- Bus 12: Greiz => Moschwitz => Untergrochlitz
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Bus 12: Greiz => Hasental => Moschwitz => Untergrochlitz => Greiz
- Bus 12: Greiz => Moschwitz => Untergrochlitz
- Bus 12: Untergrochlitz => Moschwitz => Greiz
- Bus 20: Greiz => Nitschareuth => Teichwolframsdorf
- Bus 20: Greiz => Nitschareuth => Waltersdorf => Seelingstädt
- Bus 20: Seelingstädt => Waltersdorf => Nitschareuth => Greiz
- Bus 20: Teichwolframsdorf => Nitschareuth => Greiz
- Bus 21: Berga => Großkundorf => Nitschareuth => Greiz
- Bus 21: Berga => Nitschareuth => Greiz
- Bus 21: Greiz => Nitschareuth => Berga
- Bus 21: Greiz => Nitschareuth => Großkundorf => Berga
- Bus 24: Greiz => Göttendorf => Zeulenroda
- Bus 24: Greiz => Langenwetzendorf => Niederböhmersdorf => Zeulenroda
- Bus 24: Zeulenroda => Göttendorf => Greiz
- Bus 24: Zeulenroda => Niederböhmersdorf => Langenwetzendorf => Greiz
- Bus 25: Greiz => Langenwetzendorf => Zeulenroda
- Bus 25: Zeulenroda => Langenwetzendorf => Greiz
- Bus 25: Zeulenroda => Weißendorf => Langenwetzendorf => Greiz
- Bus 27: Greiz => Gommla => Hohenölsen
- Bus 27: Greiz => Tschirma => Wildetaube
- Bus 27: Hohenölsen => Gommla => Greiz
- Bus 27: Hohenölsen => Tschirma => Greiz
- Bus 3: Gommla => Greiz
- Bus 3: Gommla => Kurtschau => Greiz
- Bus 3: Greiz => Gommla
- Bus 3: Greiz => Kurtschau => Gommla
Points of interest nearby
Other stops near
Greiz, Untergrochlitzer Straße
Greiz, Untergrochlitzer Straße