Star users
Kreis Kleve
Regierungsbezirk Düsseldorf
North Rhine-Westphalia
Rheurdt Kirche
Stop Rheurdt Kirche
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Bus 077: Rheurdt => Krefeld
- Bus 31: Geldern => Rheurdt
- Bus 31: Geldern => Vernum => Rheurdt
- Bus 31: Rheurdt => Aldekerk
- Bus 7: Kamp-Lintfort => Neukirchen-Vluyn
- Bus 7: Rheurdt => Saelhuysen
- Bus SB70: Kamp-Lintfort => Aldekerk
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Bus 077: Krefeld => Rheurdt
- Bus 077: Rheurdt => Krefeld
- Bus 31: Aldekerk => Rheurdt
- Bus 31: Geldern => Rheurdt
- Bus 31: Geldern => Vernum => Rheurdt
- Bus 31: Rheurdt => Aldekerk
- Bus 31: Rheurdt => Geldern
- Bus 31: Rheurdt => Vernum => Geldern
- Bus 7: Kamp-Lintfort => Neukirchen-Vluyn
- Bus 7: Moers => Kamp-Lintfort
- Bus 7: Neukirchen-Vluyn Schulzentrum => Rheurdt
- Bus 7: Rheurdt => Saelhuysen
- Bus SB70: Aldekerk => Kamp-Lintfort
- Bus SB70: Kamp-Lintfort => Aldekerk
Points of interest nearby
Martinusschule Rheurdt (ehemalig)
Dr. med. Sonja Vogel
AWO care Tagespflege Rheurdt
AWO Kita & Familienzentrum Zwergenland
Dr. med. Katrin Hesters
Other stops near
Rheurdt Kirche
Rheurdt Grundschule