Stop 10.283807900000001, 47.714776
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
Other stops near
- 10.284478700000001, 47.71701
- 10.284532800000001, 47.7169612
- 10.2853887, 47.7170282
- 10.2853825, 47.7170981
- 10.284321, 47.7130961
- 10.2839687, 47.71474550000001
- 10.284249800000001, 47.713081300000006
- 10.2838705, 47.714762300000004
- 10.2810441, 47.7144205
- 10.2836269, 47.714541600000004
- 10.283602400000001, 47.714477
- 10.2841644, 47.7130601