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Oberer Bahnhof Wittgensdorf
Stop Oberer Bahnhof Wittgensdorf
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Bus 658: Hartmannsdorf, Anton-Günther-Platz => Wittgensdorf, Chemnitztal
- Bus 96: Chemnitz Center => Wittgensdorf, Kornweg
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Bus 658: Hartmannsdorf, Anton-Günther-Platz => Wittgensdorf, Chemnitztal
- Bus 658: Wittgensdorf, Chemnitztal => Hartmannsdorf, Anton-Günther-Platz
- Bus 96: Chemnitz Center => Wittgensdorf, Kornweg
- Bus 96: Wittgensdorf, Kornweg => Chemnitz Center
- ChemnitzBahn C13: Burgstädt => Aue (Sachsen)
- ChemnitzBahn C13: Burgstädt, Bahnhof => Chemnitz, Technopark
- ChemnitzBahn C13: Chemnitz, Technopark => Burgstädt, Bahnhof
- RE 6: Chemnitz Hbf => Belgershain => Liebertwolkwitz => Leipzig Hbf
- RE 6: Chemnitz Hbf => Leipzig Hbf
- RE 6: Leipzig Hbf => Chemnitz Hbf
- RE 6: Leipzig Hbf => Liebertwolkwitz => Belgershain => Chemnitz Hbf
Other stops near
Oberer Bahnhof Wittgensdorf
Wittgensdorf Oberer Bahnhof
Oberer Bahnhof Wittgensdorf
Wittgensdorf ob Bf