Star users
Lower Saxony
Grüne Straße
Stop Grüne Straße
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Bus 204: Roland-Center => Annenheide
- Bus 204: Roland-Center => Annenheide
- Bus 204: Roland-Center => Bf/ZOB
- Bus 214: Roland-Center => Bf/ZOB
- Bus 214: Roland-Center => Bf/ZOB
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Bus 173: Varrel, Bei den Eichen => Brinkum, Schule Brunnenweg
- Bus 173: Varrel, Johann-Eilers-Weg => Brinkum, Schule Feldstraße
- Bus 204: Adelheide => Dresdener Straße => Roland-Center
- Bus 204: Annenheide => Roland-Center
- Bus 204: Annenheide => Roland-Center
- Bus 204: Bf/ZOB => Roland-Center
- Bus 204: Roland-Center => Annenheide
- Bus 204: Roland-Center => Annenheide
- Bus 204: Roland-Center => Bf/ZOB
- Bus 214: Bf/ZOB => Roland-Center
- Bus 214: Roland-Center => Bf/ZOB
- Bus 214: Roland-Center => Bf/ZOB
Points of interest nearby
Mahlstedt's Milchtankstelle
Mahlstedt's Milchtankstelle
Ev. Kirche Varrel
Other stops near
Grüne Straße
Grüne Straße
Grüne Straße