Star users
BG Klinikum Boberg
Stop BG Klinikum Boberg
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Bus 134: Fanny-Lewald-Ring => U Mümmelmannsberg
- Bus 232: Bf. Bergedorf => Bf. Tonndorf
- MetroBus 29: Bf. Bergedorf => Bf. Tonndorf
- MetroBus 29: Bf. Bergedorf => Bf. Tonndorf
- MetroBus 29: Bf. Bergedorf => Kielkoppelstraße
- Nachtbus 610: Bf. Bergedorf => S Holstenstraße
- Schnellbus 31: Lauenburg, ZOB => Großer Burstah
- XpressBus X32: Bf. Bergedorf => U Wandsbek Markt
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Bus 134: Fanny-Lewald-Ring => U Mümmelmannsberg
- Bus 134: U Mümmelmannsberg =>Fanny-Lewald-Ring
- Bus 232: Bf. Bergedorf => Bf. Tonndorf
- Bus 534: Grandkoppelstieg => BG Klinikum Boberg
- Bus 534: Mendelstraße => Grandkoppelstieg
- Bus 534: U Mümmelmannsberg => S Nettelnburg
- MetroBus 29: Bf. Bergedorf => Bf. Tonndorf
- MetroBus 29: Bf. Bergedorf => Bf. Tonndorf
- MetroBus 29: Bf. Bergedorf => Kielkoppelstraße
- MetroBus 29: Bf. Tonndorf => Bf. Bergedorf
- MetroBus 29: Kielkoppelstraße => Bf. Bergedorf
- Nachtbus 610: Bf. Bergedorf => S Holstenstraße
- Nachtbus 610: S Holstenstraße => Bf. Bergedorf
- Schnellbus 31: Großer Burstah => Lauenburg, ZOB
- Schnellbus 31: Lauenburg, ZOB => Großer Burstah
- XpressBus X32: Bf. Bergedorf => U Wandsbek Markt
- XpressBus X32: U S Wandsbeker Chaussee => Bf. Bergedorf
Points of interest nearby
Lohbrügger Landstraße / BG Klinikum
Other stops near
BG Klinikum Boberg
BG Klinikum Boberg
BG Klinikum Boberg