Star users
Landkreis Starnberg
Upper Bavaria
Krailling, Waldsanatorium
Stop Krailling, Waldsanatorium
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Bus 906: Gauting (S) => Planegg (S) West
- Bus 906: Planegg (S) West => Planegg (S) West
- Bus 966: Gauting (S) => Krailling, Mitterweg
- Bus 966: Oberbrunn, Kohlschwarzweg => Gauting (S) => Planegg (S)
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Bus 906: Gauting (S) => Planegg (S) West
- Bus 906: Planegg (S) West => Gauting (S)
- Bus 906: Planegg (S) West => Oberbrunn
- Bus 906: Planegg (S) West => Planegg (S) West
- Bus 966: Gauting (S) => Krailling, Mitterweg
- Bus 966: Krailling, Erlenweg => Gauting, Schulzentrum
- Bus 966: Krailling, Mitterweg => Gauting (S)
- Bus 966: Oberbrunn, Kohlschwarzweg => Gauting (S) => Planegg (S)
- Expressbus X920: Fürstenfeldbruck (S) => Gilching-Argelsried (S) => KIM => Krailling => Klinikum Großhadern (U)
- Expressbus X920: Klinikum Großhadern (U) => Krailling => KIM => Gilching-Argelsried (S) => Fürstenfeldbruck (S)
Other stops near
Krailling, Waldsanatorium
Krailling, Waldsanatorium
Krailling, Waldsanatorium