Star users
Landkreis Starnberg
Upper Bavaria
Buchendorfer Straße
Stop Buchendorfer Straße
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Bus 965: Buchendorf => Gauting, Schulzentrum
- Bus 965: Buchendorf => Gauting (S) => Unterbrunn
- Bus 965: Buchendorf => Neuried => Gauting, Schulzentrum
- Bus 965: Buchendorf => Untertaxetweg => Gauting (S)
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Bus 965: Buchendorf => Gauting, Schulzentrum
- Bus 965: Buchendorf => Gauting (S) => Unterbrunn
- Bus 965: Buchendorf => Neuried => Gauting, Schulzentrum
- Bus 965: Buchendorf => Untertaxetweg => Gauting (S)
- Bus 965: Gauting, Josef-Dosch-Schule => Buchendorf
- Bus 965: Gauting (S) => Buchendorf
- Bus 965: Gauting, Schulzentrum => Buchendorf
- Bus 965: Gauting, Schulzentrum => Gauting, J.-Dosch-Schule => Buchendorf
- Bus 965: Gauting, Schulzentrum => Gauting (S) => Buchendorf
- Bus 965: Gauting (S) => Gauting, Neurieder Straße => Buchendorf
Points of interest nearby
Hausarztzentrum Gauting Dr. Radloff & Kollegen
Freiwillige Feuerwehr Gauting
Cizz Bizz Grillhouse
Fahrschule Kohlbeck
Praxis Dr. Eisele
Gautinger Wochenmarkt
Polizeiinspektion Gauting
Other stops near
Buchendorfer Straße