Star users
Community of Madrid
Community of Madrid
-4.0063953, 40.2872841
Stop -4.0063953, 40.2872841
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Bus 531A: Villamantilla → Móstoles (Hospital)
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Bus 531A: Móstoles (Hospital) - Villamantilla
- Bus 531A: Villamantilla → Móstoles (Hospital)
- Bus 545: Madrid (Príncipe Pío) - Cenicientos
- Bus Línea 1: El Pinar → La Dehesa
- Bus Línea 1: La Dehesa → El Pinar
- Bus VAC 226: Madrid → Casar de Escalona
- Bus VAC 226: Madrid → Navamorcuende (Toledo)
- Bus VAC 226: Madrid → Real de San Vicente
- El Álamo - Madrid (Príncipe Pío)
- Madrid (Príncipe Pío) - El Álamo
Points of interest nearby
Colegio San Luis Gonzaga
Colegio concertado Villa de Navalcarnero
Escuela Infantil Privada Los Pequeñitos
Other stops near
-4.0066874, 40.2882868
-4.007378, 40.2897072
-4.0074271, 40.2895113
-4.0063334, 40.287271700000005
-4.0073957, 40.2895125
PºAlparrache - Camino Bastos
PºAlparrache - Ronda San Juan