How to get to Mu Institut?
Public transport routes that pass next to this place
- - Flixbus 740: Montpellier, Busbahnhof Sabines => Mailand, Lampugnano
- - Flixbus 744: Grenoble, Busbahnhof => Turin, Vittorio Emanuele
- - Flixbus 744: Turin, Vittorio Emanuele => Grenoble, Busbahnhof
- - Flixbus N1798: Bolzano => Lyon, Perrache
- - Flixbus N1798: Lyon, Perrache => Bolzano
- - Flixbus N527: Clermont-Ferrand, Les Salins => Siena, Piazza Gramsci
- - Flixbus N527: Siena, Piazza Gramsci => Clermont-Ferrand, Les Salins
- - TAPR : Grenoble -> Prapoutel
- - TAPR : Grenoble -> Prapoutel via Meylan
- - TAPR : Prapoutel -> Grenoble
- - TAPR : Prapoutel -> Grenoble via Meylan
Nearby stops