Star users
United Kingdom
East Lothian
East Lothian
See in interactive map
Routes of public transport
Aberdeen => London King's Cross (fast)
Bus 101: Briery Bank west => East Lothian Community Hospital
Bus 101: Market Street => Briery Bank west
Bus 101: Nungate circular
Bus 106: Fort Kinnaird/Musselburgh => Haddington/Dunbar
Bus 106: Haddington/Dunbar => Fort Kinnaird/Musselburgh
Bus 108: Fort Kinnaird => Haddington
Bus 108: Haddington => Fort Kinnaird
Bus 109: Haddington => Tranent
Bus 109: Tranent => Haddington
Bus 110: Elphinstone/Haddington => Prestonpans
Bus 110: Prestonpans => Elphinstone
Bus 110: Prestonpans => Elphinstone
Bus 111A: Edinburgh Royal Infirmary => Haddington
Bus 111A: Edinburgh Royal Infirmary => Musselburgh
Bus 111A: Haddington/Musselburgh => Edinburgh Royal Infirmary
Bus 111: Edinburgh Royal Infirmary => Haddington
Bus 111: Haddington => Edinburgh Royal Infirmary
Bus 112: Elphinstone => Fort Kinnaird
Bus 112: Fort Kinnaird => Elphinstone
Bus 113: Pencaitland => Western General Hospital
Bus 113: Western General Hospital => Pencaitland
Bus 120: Dunbar => North Berwick
Bus 120: North Berwick => Dunbar
Bus 121: Haddington => North Berwick
Bus 121: Haddington => North Berwick
Bus 121: North Berwick => Haddington
Bus 121: North Berwick => Haddington
Bus 122: Dirleton and Gullane circular
Bus 123: Gifford Circular
Bus 123: Gifford Circular
Bus 124: Edinburgh => North Berwick
Bus 124: North Berwick => Edinburgh
Bus 125: Musselburgh => North Berwick High School
Bus 125: North Berwick High School => Musselburgh
Bus 126: Aberlady => North Berwick High School
Bus 126: North Berwick High School => Aberlady
Bus 127: Longniddry => North Berwick High School
Bus 127: North Berwick High School => Longniddry
Bus 128: Longniddry => Preston Lodge High School
Bus 128: Preston Lodge High School => Longniddry
Bus 130: Broxburn => Stenton
Bus 130: Dunbar Asda => Spott
Bus 130: Pine Street => Broxburn
Bus 130: Pine Street => Broxburn
Bus 130: Spott => Pine Street
Bus 130: Stenton => Dunbar Asda
Bus 141: Musselburgh => Penicuik
Bus 141: Penicuik => Musselburgh
Bus 30: Clovenstone => Queen Margaret University
Bus 30: Queen Margaret Univeristy => Clovenstone
Bus 46: Musselburgh => Rosewell
Bus 46: Rosewell => Musselburgh
Bus 48: Gorebridge => Musselburgh
Bus 48: Musselburgh => Gorebridge
Bus N107: Dunbar => Edinburgh
Bus N107: Edinburgh => Haddington/Dunbar
Bus N107: Haddington => Musselburgh
Bus N124: Edinburgh => North Berwick
Bus N124: North Berwick => Edinburgh
Bus N26: Clerwood => Seton Sands
Bus N26: Seton Sands => Clerwood
Bus N30: Musselburgh => Westside Plaza
Bus N30: Westside Plaza => Musselburgh
Bus X26: Haymarket => Port Seton
Bus X26: Port Seton => Haymarket
Bus X44: Haymarket => Tranent
Bus X44: Tranent => Haymarket
Bus X5: Edinburgh => North Berwick
Bus X5: North Berwick => Edinburgh
Bus X6: Edinburgh => Haddington
Bus X6: Haddington => Edinburgh
Bus X7: Dunbar => Edinburgh
Bus X7: Edinburgh => Dunbar
Cross Country: Edinburgh => Plymouth
CrossCountry: Plymouth => Edinburgh
Doncaster => Edinburgh Waverley
East Coast Buses 140: Musselburgh => Penicuik
East Coast Buses 140: Penicuik => Musselburgh
Edinburgh Waverley => London King's Cross (fast)
Edinburgh Waverley => London King's Cross (semi-fast)
First X6
Inverness => London King's Cross (fast)
London King's Cross => Aberdeen
London King's Cross => Edinburgh Waverley
London King's Cross => Edinburgh Waverley (fast)
London King's Cross => Edinburgh Waverley (most stops)
London King's Cross => Edinburgh Waverley (semi-fast)
Lothian Buses 4: Hillend => The Jewel
Lothian Buses 4: The Jewel => Hillend
Lothian City Buses 26: Clerwood => Seton Sands
Lothian City Buses 26: Clerwood => Tranent
Lothian City Buses 26: Seton Sands => Clerwood
Lothian City Buses 26: Tranent => Clerwood
Lothian City Buses 44: Balerno => Wallyford
Lothian City Buses 44: Wallyford => Balerno
Megabus M20: Glasgow => Newcastle => London
Newcastle => Edinburgh Waverley
North Berwick Line: Dunbar => Edinburgh
North Berwick Line: Edinburgh => Dunbar
North Berwick Line: Edinburgh => North Berwick
North Berwick Line: North Berwick => Edinburgh
North Transpennine: Liverpool Lime Street => Edinburgh
The Highland Chieftain (London King's Cross => Inverness)
The Northern Lights (London King's Cross => Aberdeen)
The Knowes
Longniddry Village
Lennox Road
Limeylands Road
Fisherrow Sands
North Elphinstone
Dundas Road
Auldhame Cottages
Community Hall
Research Centre
Kirkwood Crescent
Castle Park
Toll House Grove
The Glebe
Ginglet Crossroads
Eskview Terrace
Limetree Walk
Church Road
Preston Mains
Musselburgh Grammar School
Preston Links
Preston Lodge High School
Ravenshaugh Crescent
Stoneybank Place
Ship Inn (Fisherow Harbour)
Points of interest
The Puffin
Levenhall Post Office
Fry & Wok
Gullane Super Fry
Grace of India
Goose on the Green
Gurkha Bar & Restaurant
Auld Brig Tavern
Stables Cafe
The Brig Inn
Mr Crolla's
Barney's Coffee Shop
Queen Margaret Charge Point
North Berwick Recycling Centre
The Tiffin Box
Bank of Scotland
Bankton Pharmacy
Brunton Hall Bistro
Queen Margaret University
East Coast
North Berwick Health Centre