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Askham Bar Nursery
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Askham Bar Nursery
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Rotas de transporte público que passam ao lado deste local
- Aberdeen => London King's Cross (fast)
- Cross Country: Edinburgh => Plymouth
- CrossCountry: Newcastle => Reading
- CrossCountry: Reading => Newcastle
- Doncaster => Edinburgh Waverley
- Edinburgh Waverley => London King's Cross (fast)
- Edinburgh Waverley => London King's Cross (semi-fast)
- Inverness => London King's Cross (fast)
- London King's Cross => Aberdeen
- London King's Cross => Edinburgh Waverley
- London King's Cross => Edinburgh Waverley (fast)
- London King's Cross => Edinburgh Waverley (most stops)
- London King's Cross => Edinburgh Waverley (semi-fast)
- London King's Cross => Newcastle Central
- London King's Cross => Sunderland
- London King's Cross => York
- Newcastle Central => London King's Cross
- North Transpennine: Middlesbrough => Manchester Victoria
- North Transpennine: Newcastle => Liverpool Lime Street
- North Transpennine: Redcar Central => Leeds
- North Transpennine: Redcar Central => Manchester Airport
- Park & Ride
- Sunderland => London King's Cross
- The Highland Chieftain (London King's Cross => Inverness)
- The Northern Lights (London King's Cross => Aberdeen)