스타 사용자
Duddingston Fry
에가는 방법
Duddingston Fry
첫 번째 리뷰 작성
패스트 푸드
이 장소 옆을 통과하는 대중 교통 노선
- Bus 2: Hermiston Gait => The Jewel
- Bus 2: The Jewel => Hermiston Gait
- Bus 30: Clovenstone => Queen Margaret University
- Bus 30: Queen Margaret Univeristy => Clovenstone
- Bus 46: Musselburgh => Rosewell
- Bus 46: Rosewell => Musselburgh
- Bus 48: Gorebridge => Musselburgh
- Bus 48: Musselburgh => Gorebridge
- Bus N30: Musselburgh => Westside Plaza
- Bus N30: Westside Plaza => Musselburgh
- Lothian City Buses 21: Clovenstone => Royal Infirmary
- Lothian City Buses 21: Gyle Centre => Royal Infirmary
- Lothian City Buses 21: Royal Infirmary => Clovenstone
- Lothian City Buses 21: Royal Infirmary => Gyle Centre
- Skylink 400 (Edinburgh Airport to Fort Kinnaird via South Edinburgh)
- Skylink 400 (Fort Kinnaird to Edinburgh Airport via South Edinburgh)
주변 정거장
Niddrie Mill
Niddrie Mill Crescent
Niddrie Mill Crescent
Jack Kane Centre
Niddrie Mill Avenue
Niddrie Mill