تسجيل الدخول
مستخدمي ستار
الصفحة الرئيسية
المملكة المتحدة
Kebab Centre
كيف تصل الى
Kebab Centre
اكتب أول مراجعة
وجبات سريعة
+44 2392 325778
Free delivery. Delivery hours the same as store opening hours. Mimimum order for delivery £9 within PO6, £10 to all other areas.
انظر في الخريطة التفاعلية
طرق النقل العام التي تمر بجانب هذا المكان
- First Portsmouth 12
- Southern: Brighton => Southampton Central
- Southern: Southampton Central → Brighton
- South Western Railway: London Waterloo => Eastleigh => Portsmouth (Sunday evenings)
- South Western Railway: London Waterloo => Eastleigh => Portsmouth (Sunday mornings)
- South Western Railway: Portsmouth Harbour => Eastleigh => London Waterloo (Mon-Sat)
- South Western Railway: Portsmouth Harbour => Eastleigh => London Waterloo (Sunday evenings)
- South Western Railway: Portsmouth Harbour => Eastleigh => London Waterloo (Sunday mornings)
- SWT: London Waterloo - Basingstoke - Portsmouth Harbour
المحطات القريبة