Usuários estrela
Reino Unido
The Wemys Hotel
Como chegar a
The Wemys Hotel
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Rotas de transporte público que passam ao lado deste local
- Bus 111A: Edinburgh Royal Infirmary => Haddington
- Bus 111A: Haddington/Musselburgh => Edinburgh Royal Infirmary
- Bus 111: Edinburgh Royal Infirmary => Haddington
- Bus 111: Haddington => Edinburgh Royal Infirmary
- Bus N26: Clerwood => Seton Sands
- Bus N26: Seton Sands => Clerwood
- Bus X26: Haymarket => Port Seton
- Bus X26: Port Seton => Haymarket
- Lothian City Buses 26: Clerwood => Seton Sands
- Lothian City Buses 26: Seton Sands => Clerwood
Paradas próximas
Post Office
Cope Lane
Fishers Road
Post Office
Fishers Road