وارد شدن
کاربران ستاره
Westmorland and Furness
The Yard Kitchen
چگونه به آن برسیم
The Yard Kitchen
اولین نظر را بنویسید
کافی شاپ
به وب سایت بروید
07887 867741
در نقشه تعاملی مشاهده کنید
مسیرهای حمل و نقل عمومی که کنار این مکان می گذرد
- Bus X4: Workington => Penrith
- Edinburgh Waverley => London Euston (via Birmingham)
- Glasgow Central => London Euston (via Birmingham)
- Glasgow Central => London Euston (via Trent Valley)
- Highland Caledonian Sleeper: Aberdeen => London Euston
- Highland Caledonian Sleeper: Fort William => London Euston
- Highland Caledonian Sleeper: Inverness => London Euston
- Lowland Caledonian Sleeper: Edinburgh Waverley => London Euston
- Lowland Caledonian Sleeper: Glasgow Central => London Euston
- Transpennine Northwest: Edinburgh Waverley => Manchester Airport
- Transpennine Northwest: Glasgow Central => Liverpool Lime St
- Transpennine Northwest: Glasgow Central => Manchester Airport