스타 사용자
Urban Cafe
에가는 방법
Urban Cafe
첫 번째 리뷰 작성
커피 샵
이 장소 옆을 통과하는 대중 교통 노선
- Bus 22A: Elm Row => Gyle Centre
- Bus 30: Clovenstone => Queen Margaret University
- Bus 30: Queen Margaret Univeristy => Clovenstone
- Bus 34: Heriot-Watt Uni => Ocean Terminal
- Bus 34: Ocean Terminal => Heriot-Watt Uni
- Bus N22: Princes Street => South Gyle
- Bus N28: Edinburgh => Bathgate
- Bus N30: Musselburgh => Westside Plaza
- Bus N30: Westside Plaza => Musselburgh
- Bus N35: Ocean Terminal => Heriot-Watt Uni
- Bus X27: Bathgate => Edinburgh
- Bus X27: Edinburgh => Bathgate
- Bus X28: Bathgate => Edinburgh
- Bus X28: Edinburgh => Bathgate
- Lothian Buses 12: Gyle Centre => Seafield
- Lothian Buses 12: Seafield => Gyle Centre
- Lothian Buses 22: Gyle Centre => Ocean Terminal
- Lothian Buses 22: Ocean Terminal => Gyle Centre
- Lothian Buses 35: Ocean Terminal to Riccarton
- Lothian Buses 35: Riccarton to Ocean Terminal
- Lothian City Buses 1: Clermiston => Seafield
- Lothian City Buses 1: Seafield => Clermiston
- Megabus M20: Glasgow => Newcastle => London
- Skylink 300 (Cameron Toll to Edinburgh Airport)
- Skylink 300 (Edinburgh Airport to Cameron Toll)
주변 정거장
Gilmore Park
Grove Street
Gilmore Park
Morrison Crescent
Morrison Crescent