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United Kingdom
Birchfield Close
Perhentian Birchfield Close
Laluan pengangkutan awam yang berhenti di perhentian ini
- Bus 100: Blackbird Leys => JR Hospital
- Bus 100: JR Hospital => Blackbird Leys
- Bus 1: Blackbird Leys → Oxford
Laluan pengangkutan awam yang melewati hentian ini (jangan berhenti di sini)
- Bus 100: Blackbird Leys => JR Hospital
- Bus 100: JR Hospital => Blackbird Leys
- Bus 1: Blackbird Leys → Oxford
Perhentian lain berhampiran
Leisure Centre
Spindleberry Close
Plover Drive
Tern Walk
Oxford FE College
The Blackbird
Knights Road
The Blackbird