Usuários estrela
País de Gales
Reino Unido
Caerphilly Castle Entrance
Parada Caerphilly Castle Entrance
Rotas de transporte público que param nesta parada
- Bus 51: Caerphilly => Bargoed => Merthyr Tydfil
- Bus 53: Caerphilly => Bargoed => Merthyr Tydfil
Rotas de transporte público que passam nas proximidades desta parada (não param aqui)
- Bus 50: Bargoed => Newport
- Bus 50: Newport => Bargoed
- Bus 51: Caerphilly => Bargoed => Merthyr Tydfil
- Bus 51: Merthyr Tydfil => Bargoed => Caerphilly
- Bus 53: Caerphilly => Bargoed => Merthyr Tydfil
- Bus 53: Merthyr Tydfil => Bargoed => Caerphilly
- Caerphilly-Mornington Meadows
- Caerphilly-Penyrheol
- Caerphilly-Penyrheol via Energlyn
- Caerphilly-Senghenydd
- G Caerphilly - Churchill Park
Pontos de interesse próximos
The Raj of India
Golden House
Valley Vets
Castle Court
Outras paradas nas proximidades
Caerphilly Piccadilly (Pontygwindy Road)
Caerphilly Piccadilly (Pontygwindy Road)
Caerphilly Castle Court Bandstand
Caerphilly Library / The Twyn
Caerphilly South Gate Square