Usuários estrela
Dundee City
Reino Unido
Seymour Street
Parada Seymour Street
Rotas de transporte público que param nesta parada
- 5a - Ninewells Hospital to Barnhill
- 5 - Ninewells Hospital to Barnhill
Rotas de transporte público que passam nas proximidades desta parada (não param aqui)
- 204
- 5a - Barnhill to Ninewells Hospital
- 5a - Ninewells Hospital to Barnhill
- 5 - Barnhill to Ninewells Hospital
- 5 - Ninewells Hospital to Barnhill
- Dundee - Perth
Outras paradas nas proximidades
Seymour Avenue
Hyndford Place
Abbotsford Place
Windsor Street
Blackness Road at Seymour Street
Windsor Street
Hyndford Street
Gowrie Street
Shaftesbury Terrace
Hyndford Street