Star users
Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole
United Kingdom
Poole Quarter
Stop Poole Quarter
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Breezer 60: Rockley Park => Poole
- Breezer 60: Rockley Park => Poole => Canford Cliffs => Sandbanks
- Breezer 60: Rockley Park => Poole => Sandbanks
- morebus 9: Poole => Upton => Turlin Moor => Hamworthy => Poole
- morebus 9: Turlin Moor => Hamworthy => Poole
- morebus 9: Upton => Turlin Moor => Hamworthy => Poole
- RouteONE: Poole Quay Circular
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Breezer 60: Rockley Park => Poole
- Breezer 60: Rockley Park => Poole => Canford Cliffs => Sandbanks
- Breezer 60: Rockley Park => Poole => Sandbanks
- morebus 9: Poole => Upton => Turlin Moor => Hamworthy => Poole
- morebus 9: Turlin Moor => Hamworthy => Poole
- morebus 9: Upton => Turlin Moor => Hamworthy => Poole
- RouteONE: Poole Quay Circular
Points of interest nearby
Morebus Depot
Other stops near
Poole Bus Station
Poole Bus Station
Poole Bus Station
Lander Close
Poole (Seldown Car Park)
Poole Bus Station
Poole Bus Station
Poole Bus Station
Poole Bus Station
Taverner Close
Poole Bus Station
Poole Bus Station
Poole Bus Station
Poole Bus Station
Poole Bus Station
Ballard Close
Labrador Drive