Usuários estrela
Grande Manchester
Reino Unido
Salford Shopping Centre/Hankinson Way
Parada Salford Shopping Centre/Hankinson Way
Rotas de transporte público que param nesta parada
- Pendleton to Agecroft circular
- TfGM Route 79 → Pendleton
- The Trafford Centre to Failsworth
Rotas de transporte público que passam nas proximidades desta parada (não param aqui)
- Cheetham Hill to Pendleton
- Failsworth to The Trafford Centre
- Pendleton to Agecroft circular
- Pendleton to Cheetham Hill
- TfGm Route 36 → Bolton
- TfGM Route 36 → Piccadilly Gardens
- TfGM Route 37 → Bolton
- TfGM Route 50 → East Didsbury
- TfGM Route 50 → Salford Quays
- TfGM Route 79 → Pendleton
- TfGM Route 79 → Stretford
- The Trafford Centre to Failsworth
Outras paradas nas proximidades
Salford Shopping Centre/Rossall Way
Churchill Way/Paddington Close
Broad Street/Pendleton Church
Salford Shopping Centre/Rossall Way
Fitzwarren Street/Methodist Church
Salford Shopping Centre/Rossall Way
Churchill Way/Paddington Close
Salford Shopping Centre/Rossall Way
Broad Street/Pendleton Church
Salford Shopping Centre/Rossall Way
Pendleton, Hankinson Way / Salford Shopping Centre (Stop C)
Pendleton, Hankinson Way / Salford Shopping Centre (Stop K)
Fitzwarren Street/Methodist Church
Salford Shopping Centre/Hankinson Way