وارد شدن
کاربران ستاره
City of Edinburgh
Murrayfield Road (Murrayfield Ice Rink)
ایستگاه Murrayfield Road (Murrayfield Ice Rink)
مسیرهای حمل و نقل عمومی که در این توقف متوقف می شوند
- Bus N26: Clerwood => Seton Sands
- Lothian City Buses 26: Clerwood => Seton Sands
- Lothian City Buses 26: Clerwood => Tranent
- Lothian City Buses 31: East Craigs => Bonnyrigg
- Lothian City Buses 31: East Craigs => Polton Mill
مسیرهای حمل و نقل عمومی که از نزدیکی این توقف عبور می کنند (در اینجا متوقف نشوید)
- Airlink 100 (City Centre to Edinburgh Airport)
- Airlink 100 (Edinburgh Airport to City Centre)
- Bus AIRX: City Centre => Edinburgh Airport
- Bus AIRX: Edinburgh Airport => City Centre
- Bus E1: Dundee => Edinburgh
- Bus E1: Edinburgh => Dundee
- Bus N18: Edinburgh => Whitburn
- Bus N26: Clerwood => Seton Sands
- Bus N26: Seton Sands => Clerwood
- Bus X18: Edinburgh => Whitburn
- Bus X18: Whitburn => Edinburgh
- Lothian Buses 12: Gyle Centre => Seafield
- Lothian Buses 12: Seafield => Gyle Centre
- Lothian City Buses 26: Clerwood => Seton Sands
- Lothian City Buses 26: Clerwood => Tranent
- Lothian City Buses 26: Seton Sands => Clerwood
- Lothian City Buses 26: Tranent => Clerwood
- Lothian City Buses 31: Bonnyrigg => East Craigs
- Lothian City Buses 31: East Craigs => Bonnyrigg
- Lothian City Buses 31: East Craigs => Polton Mill
- Lothian City Buses 31: Polton Mill => East Craigs
نقاط مورد علاقه در این نزدیکی هست
Chinese Consulate (PRC)
TOR Christian Nursing Home
Murrayfield Medical Practice
Murrayfield Dental Practice
سایر توقفها در نزدیکی
Murrayfield Road
Ellersly Road
Ellersly Road