وارد شدن
کاربران ستاره
لانارکشر شمالی
ایستگاه Motherwell
مسیرهای حمل و نقل عمومی که در این توقف متوقف می شوند
- Lowland Caledonian Sleeper: London Euston => Glasgow Central
- Transpennine Northwest: Liverpool Lime St => Glasgow Central
- Transpennine Northwest: Manchester Airport => Glasgow Central
مسیرهای حمل و نقل عمومی که از نزدیکی این توقف عبور می کنند (در اینجا متوقف نشوید)
- 201 (Petersburn to Hairmyres)
- 211 (Motherwell to Airdrie)
- 241 (North Motherwell to Cleland)
- 242 (Pather to Holytown)
- 253 (Coalburn to Wishaw General Hospital)
- 254 (Motherwell to Newarthill)
- 266 (Hamilton to Shotts)
- 266 (Hamilton to West Crindledyke)
- 56 (North Motherwell to Shotts)
- Glasgow Central => London Euston (via Birmingham)
- Glasgow Central => London Euston (via Trent Valley)
- London Euston => Glasgow Central (via Birmingham)
- London Euston => Glasgow Central (via Trent Valley)
- Lowland Caledonian Sleeper: Glasgow Central => London Euston
- Lowland Caledonian Sleeper: London Euston => Glasgow Central
- Transpennine Northwest: Glasgow Central => Liverpool Lime St
- Transpennine Northwest: Glasgow Central => Manchester Airport
- Transpennine Northwest: Liverpool Lime St => Glasgow Central
- Transpennine Northwest: Manchester Airport => Glasgow Central
نقاط مورد علاقه در این نزدیکی هست
Bentley Hotel
Merlins Bar
سایر توقفها در نزدیکی