وارد شدن
کاربران ستاره
Garrison Church
ایستگاه Garrison Church
مسیرهای حمل و نقل عمومی که در این توقف متوقف می شوند
- Bus 175: Stanwell Street => Stanwell Street
- Bus 175: Stanwell Street => Stanwell Street
- Bus 61: Angel Court => Wivenhoe Railway Station
- Bus 61: Colchester Railway Station Layby => Wivenhoe Railway Station
- Bus 61: Highwood Square => Wivenhoe Railway Station
- Bus 66: Angel Court => Heath Road Turn
- Bus 66B: Angel Court => Speedwell Road, Colchester
- Bus 66B: The Queens Head, West Bergholt => Speedwell Road, Colchester
- Bus 66: Colchester Railway Station => Heath Road Turn
- Bus 66: The Queens Head, West Bergholt => Heath Road Turn
- Bus 66: The Queens Head, West Bergholt => Heath Road Turn
مسیرهای حمل و نقل عمومی که از نزدیکی این توقف عبور می کنند (در اینجا متوقف نشوید)
- Bus 174: Stanwell Street => Stanwell Street
- Bus 174: Stanwell Street => Stanwell Street
- Bus 175: Stanwell Street => Stanwell Street
- Bus 175: Stanwell Street => Stanwell Street
- Bus 61: Angel Court => Wivenhoe Railway Station
- Bus 61: Colchester Railway Station Layby => Wivenhoe Railway Station
- Bus 61: Grange Way => Highwood Square
- Bus 61: Highwood Square => Wivenhoe Railway Station
- Bus 61: Wivenhoe Railway Station => Colchester Railway Station Layby
- Bus 61: Wivenhoe Railway Station => Highwood Square
- Bus 61: Wivenhoe Railway Station => Osborne Street, Colchester
- Bus 66: Angel Court => Heath Road Turn
- Bus 66B: Angel Court => Speedwell Road, Colchester
- Bus 66B: Speedwell Road, Colchester => The Queens Head, West Bergholt
- Bus 66B: The Queens Head, West Bergholt => Speedwell Road, Colchester
- Bus 66: Colchester Railway Station => Heath Road Turn
- Bus 66: Heath Road Turn => Angel Court, Colchester
- Bus 66: Heath Road Turn => Colchester Railway Station
- Bus 66: Heath Road Turn => Osborne Street, Colchester
سایر توقفها در نزدیکی
Recreation Ground
Lookers Garage
Wimpole Road
Garrison Church
Recreation Ground