스타 사용자
Dugard Avenue
버스 정류장 Dugard Avenue
이 정류장에서 정차하는 대중 교통 노선
- Arriva Bus 1: Hamlet Drive => Worthington Way
- Arriva Bus 1: Osborne Street => Worthington Way
- Bus 1A: Elm Crescent => Worthington Way
- Bus 1A: Osborne Street => Worthington Way
- Bus 4: Sainsburys Store, Stanway => Head Street
- Bus 4: Sainsburys Store, Stanway => Tesco Store
이 정류장 근처를 경유하는 대중 교통 노선 (여기서는 중단하지 마십시오)
- Arriva Bus 1: Hamlet Drive => Worthington Way
- Arriva Bus 1: Osborne Street => Worthington Way
- Arriva Bus 1: Worthington Way => Hamlet Drive
- Bus 15: Fiveways Co - Op => Marks Tey Railway Station
- Bus 15: Marks Tey Railway Station => Fiveways Co - Op
- Bus 15: Marks Tey Railway Station => Marks Tey Railway Station
- Bus 15: Marks Tey Railway Station => Marks Tey Railway Station
- Bus 1A: Elm Crescent => Worthington Way
- Bus 1A: Osborne Street => Worthington Way
- Bus 4: Sainsburys Store, Stanway => Head Street
- Bus 4: Sainsburys Store, Stanway => Tesco Store
- Bus 4: Tesco Store => Fiveways Co - Op
- Bus 4: Tesco Store => Sainsburys Store, Stanway
인근의 다른 정류장
Dugard Avenue
Church of Jesus Christ
Clara Reeve Close
Worthington Way
Church of Jesus Christ
Parr Drive
Parr Drive
Oaklands Avenue
Dugard Avenue
Oaklands Avenue