버스 정류장 Pretoria Road
이 정류장에서 정차하는 대중 교통 노선
- - Bus 352: Ramsey School, Halstead => Chelmsford Bus Station
- - Bus 38A: Ramsey School, Halstead => Allectus Way, Witham
- - Bus 38A: Ramsey School, Halstead => Allectus Way, Witham
- - Bus 38A: Ramsey School, Halstead => Collingwood Road
- - Bus 38: Ramsey School, Halstead => Allectus Way, Witham
- - Bus 38: Ramsey School, Halstead => Allectus Way, Witham
- - Bus 38: Ramsey School, Halstead => Allectus Way, Witham
- - Bus 716: Fitzwalter Road, Colchester => The Bell, Castle Hedingham
- - Bus 88A: Osborne Street, Colchester => White Horse Avenue
- - Bus 88B: Osborne Street, Colchester => High Street, Halstead
- - Bus 88: High Street, Colchester => Conies Road
- - Bus 88: High Street, Colchester => Sugar Loaves
- - Bus 88: High Street, Colchester => The Green, Great Yeldham
- - Bus 88: Osborne Street, Colchester => White Horse Avenue
이 정류장 근처를 경유하는 대중 교통 노선 (여기서는 중단하지 마십시오)
- - Bus 352: Ramsey School, Halstead => Chelmsford Bus Station
- - Bus 38A: Alec Hunter School => Collingwood Road
- - Bus 38A: Ramsey School, Halstead => Allectus Way, Witham
- - Bus 38A: Ramsey School, Halstead => Allectus Way, Witham
- - Bus 38A: Ramsey School, Halstead => Collingwood Road
- - Bus 38: Ramsey School, Halstead => Allectus Way, Witham
- - Bus 38: Ramsey School, Halstead => Allectus Way, Witham
- - Bus 38: Ramsey School, Halstead => Allectus Way, Witham
- - Bus 38: Ramsey School, Halstead => Allectus Way, Witham
- - Bus 38: Ramsey School, Halstead => Collingwood Road
- - Bus 38: Ramsey School, Halstead => Collingwood Road
- - Bus 38: Ramsey School, Halstead => Fairfield Road
- - Bus 42B: Ramsey School, Halstead => Barnard Road Co-op
- - Bus 42B: Ramsey School, Halstead => Chelmsford Bus Station
- - Bus 42B: Ramsey School, Halstead => West Lawn
- - Bus 716: Fitzwalter Road, Colchester => The Bell, Castle Hedingham
- - Bus 716: The Bell, Castle Hedingham => Essex County Hospital, Colchester
- - Bus 88A: Osborne Street, Colchester => White Horse Avenue
- - Bus 88A: White Horse Avenue, Halstead => Osborne Street, Colchester
- - Bus 88B: Osborne Street, Colchester => High Street, Halstead
- - Bus 88B: White Horse Avenue => Osborne Street, Colchester
- - Bus 88: Conies Road => High Street, Colchester
- - Bus 88: High Street, Colchester => Conies Road
- - Bus 88: High Street, Colchester => Sugar Loaves
- - Bus 88: High Street, Colchester => The Green, Great Yeldham
- - Bus 88: High Street, Halstead => Osborne Street, Colchester
- - Bus 88: Osborne Street, Colchester => White Horse Avenue
- - Bus 88: Sugar Loaves, Sible Hedingham => High Street, Colchester
- - Bus 88: The Green, Great Yeldham => High Street, Colchester
- - Bus 88: The Green, Great Yeldham => High Street, Colchester
- - Bus 88: White Horse Avenue, Halstead => Osborne Street, Colchester
근처의 관심 장소
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