وارد شدن
کاربران ستاره
Lord Roberts Avenue
ایستگاه Lord Roberts Avenue
مسیرهای حمل و نقل عمومی که در این توقف متوقف می شوند
- Arriva Bus 1: Bournes Green Roundabout => Rayleigh Railway Station
- Arriva Bus 1: Chichester Road, Southend => Rayleigh Railway Station
- Arriva Bus 1: Southend Travel Centre => Rayleigh Railway Station
- Arriva Bus 1: The Renown, Shoeburyness => Hadleigh Church
- Arriva Bus 1: The Renown, Shoeburyness => Rayleigh Railway Station
- Bus 27A: Southend Travel Centre => Leigh Beck, Canvey
- Bus 27: Southend Travel Centre => Leigh Beck, Canvey
- Bus 27: Southend Travel Centre => Leigh Beck, Canvey
- Bus 27: Southend Travel Centre => The Memorial
- Bus 28: Bournes Green Roundabout => Basildon Bus Station
- Bus 28: Southend Travel Centre => Basildon Bus Station
- Bus 28: Southend Travel Centre => The Memorial
مسیرهای حمل و نقل عمومی که از نزدیکی این توقف عبور می کنند (در اینجا متوقف نشوید)
- Arriva Bus 1: Bournes Green Roundabout => Rayleigh Railway Station
- Arriva Bus 1: Chichester Road, Southend => Rayleigh Railway Station
- Arriva Bus 1: Morrisons => The Renown, Shoeburyness
- Arriva Bus 1: Rayleigh Railway Station => Southend Travel Centre
- Arriva Bus 1: Rayleigh Railway Station => The Renown, Shoeburyness
- Arriva Bus 1: Rayleigh Railway Station => Victoria Station Interchange
- Arriva Bus 1: Southend Travel Centre => Rayleigh Railway Station
- Arriva Bus 1: The Renown, Shoeburyness => Hadleigh Church
- Arriva Bus 1: The Renown, Shoeburyness => Rayleigh Railway Station
- Bus 27A: Southend Travel Centre => Leigh Beck, Canvey
- Bus 27: Bus Depot => Southend Travel Centre
- Bus 27: Leigh Beck, Canvey => Southend Travel Centre
- Bus 27: Southend Travel Centre => Leigh Beck, Canvey
- Bus 27: Southend Travel Centre => Leigh Beck, Canvey
- Bus 27: Southend Travel Centre => The Memorial
- Bus 28: Basildon Bus Station => Southend Travel Centre
- Bus 28: Bournes Green Roundabout => Basildon Bus Station
- Bus 28: Broadway => Southend Travel Centre
- Bus 28: Bus Depot => Southend Travel Centre
- Bus 28: Southend Travel Centre => Basildon Bus Station
- Bus 28: Southend Travel Centre => The Memorial
- Bus Z3: Amazon Tilbury => Hadleigh => Southend
نقاط مورد علاقه در این نزدیکی هست
Derix Healthcare Pharmacy
سایر توقفها در نزدیکی
Darlinghurst Grove
Lord Roberts Avenue