وارد شدن
کاربران ستاره
Ambleside Gardens
ایستگاه Ambleside Gardens
مسیرهای حمل و نقل عمومی که در این توقف متوقف می شوند
- Bus 20: The Anchor, Hullbridge => High Street, Rayleigh
- Bus 20: The Anchor, Hullbridge => Kent Elms Corner North
- Bus 20: The Anchor, Hullbridge => Rayleigh Railway Station
- Bus 20: The Anchor, Hullbridge => Southend Travel Centre
- Bus 20: The Anchor, Hullbridge => Southend Travel Centre
مسیرهای حمل و نقل عمومی که از نزدیکی این توقف عبور می کنند (در اینجا متوقف نشوید)
- Bus 20: Southend Travel Centre => The Anchor, Hullbridge
- Bus 20: The Anchor, Hullbridge => High Street, Rayleigh
- Bus 20: The Anchor, Hullbridge => Kent Elms Corner North
- Bus 20: The Anchor, Hullbridge => Rayleigh Railway Station
- Bus 20: The Anchor, Hullbridge => Southend Travel Centre
- Bus 20: The Anchor, Hullbridge => Southend Travel Centre
نقاط مورد علاقه در این نزدیکی هست
The Ferry Pharmacy
One Stop
Gold Lion
سایر توقفها در نزدیکی
Riverside School
Ambleside Gardens
Riverside School
High Elms Road
High Elms Road