وارد شدن
کاربران ستاره
South Yorkshire
Penistone Road/Rutland Road
ایستگاه Penistone Road/Rutland Road
مسیرهای حمل و نقل عمومی که در این توقف متوقف می شوند
- Bus 86 Chapeltown => Lowedges
- Bus H1 Northern General Hospital => Hallamshire Hospital
مسیرهای حمل و نقل عمومی که از نزدیکی این توقف عبور می کنند (در اینجا متوقف نشوید)
- Bus 86 Chapeltown => Lowedges
- Bus 86 Lowedges => Chapeltown
- Bus H1 Hallamshire Hospital => Northern General Hospital
- Bus H1 Northern General Hospital => Hallamshire Hospital
نقاط مورد علاقه در این نزدیکی هست
Kelham Kitchen andWine Bar
The Cutlery Works
Graffiti Bar and Kitchen
Cutlery Works
The Gardeners Rest
Cutlery Works
Church - Temple of Fun
Make no Bones
The Parrot Club
سایر توقفها در نزدیکی
Penistone Road/St Phillips Road
Infirmary Road/Penistone Road
Infirmary Road/Penistone Road
Penistone Road/Bedford Street
Penistone Road/Rutland Road
Upperthorpe Road/Montgomery Terrace Road
Upperthorpe Road/Montgomery Terrace Road
Watery Street/Meadow Street
Penistone Road/St Phillips Road
Infirmary Road
Watery Street/Meadow Street
Watery Street/Meadow Street
Penistone Road/Bedford Street
Watery Street/Meadow Street
Meadow Street/Netherthorpe Road
Meadow Street/Netherthorpe Road