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Glasgow City
United Kingdom
Maryhill Road / Bilsland Drive
Perhentian Maryhill Road / Bilsland Drive
Laluan pengangkutan awam yang berhenti di perhentian ini
- 17 (Duntocher to Glasgow Union St)
- 60A (Castlemains to Easterhouse)
- 60A (Castlemains to Easterhouse journeys avoiding Glasgow Fort)
- 60 (Clydebank to Easterhouse)
- 60 (Clydebank to Easterhouse journeys avoiding Glasgow Fort)
- 61 (Summerston to Sandyhills)
- 8 (Balfron to Glasgow)
- C8 (Balfron to Glasgow)
Laluan pengangkutan awam yang melewati hentian ini (jangan berhenti di sini)
- 10 Balfron-Glasgow
- 10 Glasgow-Balfron
- 17 (Duntocher to Glasgow Union St)
- 17 (Glasgow to Duntocher)
- 60A (Castlemains to Easterhouse)
- 60A (Castlemains to Easterhouse journeys avoiding Glasgow Fort)
- 60A (Easterhouse to Castlemains)
- 60A (Easterhouse to Castlemains journeys avoiding Glasgow Fort)
- 60 (Clydebank to Easterhouse)
- 60 (Clydebank to Easterhouse journeys avoiding Glasgow Fort)
- 60 (Easterhouse to Clydebank)
- 60 (Easterhouse to Clydebank journeys avoiding Glasgow Fort)
- 61 (Sandyhills to Summerston)
- 61 (Summerston to Sandyhills)
- 8 (Balfron to Glasgow)
- C8 (Balfron to Glasgow)
- C8 (Glasgow to Balfron)
- N60 (Glasgow to Clydebank)
Tempat menarik berdekatan
Belhaven Nursery School
Maryhill and Possilpark Citizens’ Advice Bureau
Maryhill Community Centre
Peppermint Studios
The Kelbourne Saint
Dental Surgery
Perhentian lain berhampiran
Queen Margaret Drive / Maryhill Road
Maryhill Road / Avenuepark Street
Queen Margaret Drive / Maryhill Road
Maryhill, Queen Margaret Drive/ Hotspur Street
Maryhill Road / Avenuepark Street
Maryhill Road / Braeside Street
Maryhill Road / Braeside Street
Maryhill, Hotspur Street/ Mingarry Street
Ruchill Street / Shuna Street
Ruchill Street / Shuna Street
Queen Margaret Drive / Oban Drive