Star users
United Kingdom
Sports Centre
Stop Sports Centre
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Bus X17 Holymoorside => Chesterfield => Sheffield => Barnsley
- Bus X17 Matlock => Chesterfield => Sheffield => Barnsley
- Bus X17 Wirksworth => Matlock => Chesterfield => Sheffield
- Bus X17 Wirksworth => Matlock => Sheffield => Barnsley
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Bus 2A Green Farm (Circular) => Walton
- Bus 2A Walton => Green Farm (Circular)
- Bus 2 Green Farm (Circular) => Walton
- Bus 2 Walton => Green Farm (Circular)
- Bus 90a Chesterfield => Yew Tree
- Bus 90a Yew Tree => Chesterfield
- Bus 90 Staveley => Yew Tree
- Bus 90 Walton => Creswell
- Bus X17 Barnsley => Sheffield => Chesterfield => Holymoorside
- Bus X17 Barnsley => Sheffield => Chesterfield => Matlock
- Bus X17 Barnsley => Sheffield => Matlock => Wirksworth
- Bus X17 Holymoorside => Chesterfield => Sheffield => Barnsley
- Bus X17 Matlock => Chesterfield => Sheffield => Barnsley
- Bus X17 Sheffield => Matlock => Wirksworth
- Bus X17 Wirksworth => Matlock => Chesterfield => Sheffield
- Bus X17 Wirksworth => Matlock => Sheffield => Barnsley
Points of interest nearby
Wheatbridge Health Centre
The Boythorpe
Other stops near
Boythorpe Road Bottom
Maynard Road
Maynard Road
Boythorpe Road Bottom
Sports Centre
Sports Centre
Sports Centre
Boythorpe Road
Boythorpe Road
Boythorpe Road Bottom
West Bars Roundabout
Wheatbridge Road
Boythorpe Road Bottom