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United Kingdom
Clyne Court (NW)
Perhentian Clyne Court (NW)
Laluan pengangkutan awam yang berhenti di perhentian ini
- Bus 20: Swansea Quadrant => Derlwyn
Laluan pengangkutan awam yang melewati hentian ini (jangan berhenti di sini)
- 116 Landimore → Swansea
- 116 Swansea → Landimore
- Bus 20: Derlwyn => Swansea Quadrant
- Bus 20: Swansea Quadrant => Derlwyn
- Bus 8: Hendrefoilan Student Village => Swansea University (Bay Campus)
- Derlwyn 20A
- Three Crosses 21
Tempat menarik berdekatan
Olchfa School
Sixth Form Block
Science Department
Languages Department
Humanities Department
Art and Design Department
School Library
Geography/ICT Department
Main Hall
English Department
Design and Technology Department
Drama Hall
Perhentian lain berhampiran
Clyne Court (SE)
Hen Dderwen (NE)
Beaconsfield Way
Penyrheol Drive (SE)
Olchfa Comprehensive (W)