Ouverture de session
Utilisateurs étoile
Comté de Cork
236 Cork - Bantry (Parnell Place)
l' itinéraire
236 Cork - Bantry (Parnell Place)
rédigez le premier avis
Lieux de passage
Municipal District of Carrigaline
The Municipal District of Bandon-Kinsale
West Cork
Points d'intérêt à proximité de l'itinéraire
West Cork
Parnell Place (City Bus Stop)
Dennehy's Cross (Opp Cork Farm Ctr)
-8.734257900000001, 51.7460262
Bishopstown Road (Wilton Centre)
Victoria Cross (Victoria Lodge)
Western Road (Antone Guest House)
Merchant's Quay
-8.734402900000001, 51.7458735
Lancaster Quay (River Lee Hotel)
Merchants Quay (Dunnes Stores B)
-8.947496300000001, 51.736301100000006
Bishopstown Bar
Bishopstown Rd (Opp Bishopstown Bar)
Wolfe Tone Square
-8.9395957, 51.736673100000004
-8.948036, 51.736096200000006
-9.1025957, 51.7252756
Washington Street
-8.4719981, 51.900389700000005
Western Road (College Gates)
Bishopstown Road (Wilton Centre)
-9.1154838, 51.7176777
-9.109421900000001, 51.7232313