Stop 52.463476, 29.601358100000002
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
Other stops near
- 52.4633465, 29.5998774
- 52.4633297, 29.5998136
- 52.463671600000005, 29.601417400000003
- 52.463243500000004, 29.604155000000002
- 52.463254600000006, 29.604233400000002
- 52.4635565, 29.601352000000002
- 52.463751800000004, 29.6014097
- 52.463932500000006, 29.6043522
- 52.4639449, 29.604305800000002
- 52.4666969, 29.602619100000002
- 52.466783400000004, 29.6026105
- 52.466294100000006, 29.5997461
- 52.466413300000006, 29.5997306
- 52.4665046, 29.5996279
- 52.466404100000005, 29.599638300000002
- 52.466847800000004, 29.602573300000003
- 52.466778500000004, 29.602565700000003