How to get to Al Giardino?
Baldini Tiziana
Public transport routes that pass next to this place
Nearby stops
- V. De Gasperi, 27
- V. De Gasperi, 27
- Verdi, 12 (Posta Centrale)
- V. S.ta Chiara, 10
- V. Santa Chiara, 15
- V. Oberdan, 15
- V. Oberdan, 15
- P.zza Vittoria, 1 (Chiesa)
- P.zza Vittoria, 1 (Chiesa)
- V. Mameli, 2/C
- V. Mameli, 2/C
- V. S.ta Chiara, 10
- Verdi, 12 (Posta Centrale)
- V. Santa Chiara, 15