Stop Stegen, Althingstraße - Stegona, Via Althing
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
Points of interest nearby
Other stops near
- Bruneck - Brunico
- Bruneck - Brunico
- Stegen, Althingstraße - Stegona, Via Althing
- Stegen, Althingstraße - Stegona, Via Althing
- Stegen, Stegerstraße - Stegona, Via Steger
- Stegen, Marco-Polo-Straße - Stegona, Via Marco Polo
- Stegen, Stegerstraße - Stegona, Via Steger
- Stegen, Marco-Polo-Straße - Stegona, Via Marco Polo
- Stegener Marktplatz - Piazza Mercato di Stegona
- Stegener Marktplatz - Piazza Mercato di Stegona
- Bruneck, Schweighoferstraße - Brunico, Via Schweighofer
- Bruneck, Schweighoferstraße - Brunico, Via Schweighofer
- Bruneck, Bahnhof - Brunico, Stazione
- Bruneck, Europastraße - Brunico, Via Europa
- Bruneck, Europastraße - Brunico, Via Europa
- Stegen, Stegerstraße - Stegona, Via Steger
- Bruneck, Europastraße - Brunico, Via Europa
- Bruneck, Busbahnhof - Brunico, Autostazione
- Stegen, Sankt-Nikolaus-Straße - Stegona, Via San Nicolò
- Stegen, Sankt-Nikolaus-Straße - Stegona, Via San Nicolò
- Stegen, Marco-Polo-Straße - Stegona, Via Marco Polo
- Stegen, Althingstraße - Stegona, Via Althing