Star users
Bolzano - Bozen
South Tyrol
Trentino – Alto Adige/Südtirol
Bivio Via Resia - Abzweigung Reschenstraße
Stop Bivio Via Resia - Abzweigung Reschenstraße
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Bus 8: Kardaun - Cardano => Ospedale - Krankenhaus
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Bus 10A: Ospedale-Krankenhaus => Cimitero-Friedhof => Stazione-Bahnhof => Ospedale-Krankenhaus
- Bus 10B: Ospedale-Krankenhaus => Stazione-Bahnhof => Cimitero-Friedhof => Ospedale-Krankenhaus
- Bus 131: Bozen => Kaltern (Express)
- Bus 131: Kaltern => Bozen (Express)
- Bus 137: Bozen => Sportzone Rungg
- Bus 137: Sportzone Rungg => Bozen
- Bus 8: Kardaun - Cardano => Ospedale - Krankenhaus
- Bus 8: Ospedale - Krankenhaus => Kardaun - Cardano
- Bus 9: Funivia del Colle - Seilbahn Kohlern => Stazione Ponte Adige - Bahnhof Sigmundskron
- Bus 9: Stazione Ponte Adige - Bahnhof Sigmundskron => Funivia del Colle - Seilbahn Kohlern
Points of interest nearby
Pizzeria Metro'
La Dolce Vita
Primi Passi
Freiwillige Feuerwehr Gries - Vigili del Fuoco Volontari Gries
Chiesa di Gesù Cristo dei Santi degli Ultimi Giorni - Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage
Farmacia Comunale Firmiano - Gemeindeapotheke Firmian
Bar Tom
Other stops near
Bivio Merano - Meraner Kreuzung
Bivio Merano - Meraner Kreuzung
Bivio Via Resia - Abzweigung Reschenstraße
Palasport - Stadthalle
Stadio Europa - Europa Stadium
Bivio Merano - Meraner Kreuzung
Palasport - Stadthalle
Stadio Europa - Europa Stadium
Via Don Narciso Sordo - Don Narciso Sordo Straße