Star users
Meran - Merano
Burggrafenamt - Burgraviato
South Tyrol
Trentino – Alto Adige/Südtirol
Karl-Wolf-Straße - Via Karl Wolf
Stop Karl-Wolf-Straße - Via Karl Wolf
Public transport routes that stop in this stop
- Bus 236: Schloss Thurnstein => Meran, Bahnhof
- Bus 3: Meran Bahnhof => Gratsch => Lazag
Public transport routes that pass nearby of this stop (do not stop here)
- Bus 236: Meran, Bahnhof => Schloss Thurnstein
- Bus 236: Schloss Thurnstein => Meran, Bahnhof
- Bus 3: Lazag => Martinsbrunn => Bahnhof
- Bus 3: Meran Bahnhof => Gratsch => Lazag
Points of interest nearby
Mittelschule Stadt Meran - Scuola media di lingua tedesca Cittä di Merano
Realgymnasium Albert Einstein und Technologische Fachoberschule Oskar von Miller
Bar Mozart
Other stops near
Mozartstraße - Via Mozart
Karl-Wolf-Straße - Via Karl Wolf
Karl-Wolf-Straße - Via Karl Wolf
König Laurin - Via Laurin
König Laurin - Via Laurin
Mozartstraße - Via Mozart
Altes Krankenhaus - Ospedale Vecchio
Altes Krankenhaus - Ospedale Vecchio
Obere Laurinstraße - Via Laurin Alta
König Laurin - Via Laurin
Karl-Wolf-Straße - Via Karl Wolf
Mozartstraße - Via Mozart
Mozartstraße - Via Mozart
König Laurin - Via Laurin
Meran, Krankenhaus - Merano, Ospedale